Upcoming Events You Might Be Interested In

It is fundraising and conference season, and I am honored to be attending or presenting at a number of upcoming events.  Please follow these links for more information and considering coming or
otherwise supporting.

March 9 - New Jersey Redevelopment Forum (New Jersey Future)

March 9 - Sustainaball (Sustainable Business Network of Greater Philadelphia)

March 29 - Region on the Rise (Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce)

April 10 - Leverage (Community Design Collaborative)

April 13 - Urban Economic Policy Conference (Drexel University School of Economics and Econsult Solutions)

April 19 - Gala Awards Ceremony (Philadelphia Association of Community Development Corporations)

May 3 - Solas Awards (Welcoming Center for New Pennsylvanians)

June 6 - Preservation Achievement Awards (Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia)


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